
Who Am I?

Quick snippet of who I am and what I do this

Who Am I?

Dearest gentle reader, just kidding folks!

Heyaaahh! Welcome to my blogsite. You must be wondering how you got into my blogsite. I honestly have no idea too. But you are either recruiters looking at my site OR you searched something about my blogposts and came across my site. High chance that you are the latter one.

Bit of an intro to myself. My name is Jiro, and believe it or not. I have only been in the tech industry for around 3 years still. I am very much interested with cybersecurity, IT infrastructure, networking, and digging more recently to peneration testing so most likely, my blogposts will circled around to these topics.

I used to a chef and a cook at some high-end restaurants and cruise ship. Yes, it is quite rare to be in hospitality to tech industry. Tell you what, it was a scary jump to a completely deep career where I had a tiny bit of knowledge of this new industry that I am getting into, and yet I survived!

How did I start on it?

It was the peak of COVID-19 pandemic around early 2020. I just came back to Japan from Melbourne because that is where my last stop during the job from a cruise ship. Everyone was panicking on the sea and land because of this new deadly virus that is circulating around the world. Fast forward a few months, I ended up being jobless because all cruise ships were halted during the whole pandemic. This gave me a realization of my life. What do I do now? What should I do if I don’t get back to my job? I did not have much savings back then. Then suddenly, one of my friends introduced me this Coursera course where you can learn the basic stuff about IT. I wasn’t so keen at first, but since I got no choice and I wanted a change in my life, I started on the course.

I took the Google IT Support Professional Certificate from Coursera for about 5 months. It was an extremely rough ride. I got a part-time job already by this time. I used ALL of my free time for 5 months just to finish the course because I was so eager to finish the course and leave off this exhausting industry. I was still working on a steakhouse restaurant by then and grinding myself of the stovetops, saucepans, grillers, and dishwash. Whenever I get lunch breaks during my shift, I used that time to pick up my notebook, pen, and my phone to watch the videos from Coursera through my small phone screen. Eventually, I finished the course after 5 months around mid-2021, and I immediately started my job hunting for entry-level IT support jobs. And thank God, I got a job within a month.

Why am I doing this blog site?

I started off on my journey to changing careers to IT with a little amount of support from friends, and resources to learn new stuff. So this site is mainly for guys who wants to learn about IT support, IT infrastucture like Azure, Windows Server Active Directory, cybersecurity tips, maybe some penetration testing, and my personal projects. So this page is not only for beginners, but also for fairly postured and IT experts out there. So I hope you stay tuned on my future posts. Follow me on Medium and Github for more similar contents! Enjoy.

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